About Me

Bear with me, please. I have just rebuilt this site, and am still re-entering the original content.

I've been writing since I was nine years old. Most of this was short stories – and by "short" I mean short: never more than a page or two. In school, I completed most of my assignments as vignettes. This delighted my English teachers, but annoyed my science and history teachers. In Junior High (or Middle School), I tried my hand at stage plays, and failed miserably. Once in high school, I joined the journalism club, and wrote many articles for the school newspaper. I was known for my "folksy" style.

As I grew older, I switched to poetry and prose, and maintained that until well into my 20s. From then, I started writing short stories, though these stories were a more acceptable length. I vacillated between mystery and science fiction, though I admit I was somewhat better at the latter. A number of stories I polished up and submitted to magazines, and received, in turn, an amazing collection of rejection letters. I never had the patience to write a book.

In the 1980s, I began a job which required me to write an enormous amount of technical documents. This pretty much dried up the urge to write for a long period of time.

A decade later, I started writing television scripts, a move which I will explain elsewhere. After that, it was an easy segue to film, and, strangely, back to stage plays. This site showcases those writings which either have been produced, or will remain unproduced, and/or I simply want everyone to see. Not shown here are any incomplete works, including the ideas I have for thirty-some-odd screenplays, nine television shows (including three set in Hawaii and two in Japanese), and four stage plays. As I complete more work, I'll add more to the site.